Hi friends,
I should be embarrassed because it has been quite a while since I checked in but I am too old for that. lol. I have missed our connection, however. I do love to sit and write to you about what’s going on. And that’s one of the reasons I haven’t checked in. I am sitting at my computer a lot these days working on another book and that spends my energy. It is a book I am loving writing, though. It’s a workbook that is designed to compliment Each Day a New Beginning, my very first book. It still astounds me that it’s 40 years old. Working on this workbook has been fun, challenging in a good way, time consuming and rich in so many ways. The hours just whizz by seemingly unnoticed when I’m sitting here.
Of course that’s how writing has felt to me ever since graduate school. I love the experience so completely. And I would never have moved in this direction of writing recovery and spirituality books if a bunch of doors had not closed when I was a much younger woman. The plan I had for my life certainly wasn’t the one God had for me. He won out. lol. How glad I am that He did.
Truthfully, He always wins out. I think that’s a truth we can all take to the bank. One of the books He led me to write during the quarantine has been my favorite since it was published. Some of you may find this strange but I read Each Day a Renewed Beginning: Meditations for a Peaceful Journey, every morning and feel so grateful that God and I partnered up on this endeavor. Of course, we partnered up on all the books I have written. What an amazing life I have had walking with God.
But this book, in particular, speaks to my heart so clearly every single day. God for sure knew exactly what I needed to write during the stress and turmoil of the pandemic. And then read every day in this ever so stressful period of my life currently. My stress is partly due to the aging process and the health challenges I’m now facing, but it’s also due to the lack of peace in the world around me/us.
I want to just be reminded on a daily basis that my assignment is really quite simple. It’s to lead from a place of love every step I take, every encounter I am gifted to have. It’s to remember that being helpful to others might be only a simple smile, or a gesture like a nod of the head to a stranger. It need not be anything complicated.
I think we do all make our lives far more complicated than they need to be. That was my pattern for many years. Even after getting sober. Even after writing the first few books. I think it helps to “grow mature.” I don’t relish complication any more. I relish peace of mind. And that’s why I look forward to sitting with a cup of coffee and my page for the day in Each Day a Renewed Beginning every morning. No matter how I may be feeling when I first wake up, I know I will feel the calmness of what God directed me to write in a very few moments.
As I’ve already said, I surely am a lucky woman. The myriad closed doors ultimately led me to the one I most needed to open on May 24, 1976 and my life hasn’t been the same since. I wouldn’t know any of you had I not walked through that open door, here in Minneapolis, not having any idea where it was actually going to lead me. And now I can comfortably share with others on Facebook to just relax. God has your back. Just go where led and all will be right in your world.
I do hope all is feeling right in your world today. Never forget, God is close. There is no other way. Take a deep breath and smile.
Thanks for allowing me into your world today.
Love and many blessings always,
PS: By the way, my Instagram page (karencaseyauthor) over the next few days will have quotes from Each Day a Renewed Beginning if you want to get a feel for that book. And you can read more about it on my website: www.womens-spirituality.com in the book section and of course it is available from Amazon.