Hi Friends,
Nearly another week has passed since I last checked in with you. Time seems to be moving faster than my abilities to stay caught up. These last few weeks have been so exciting and full of events where I was able to connect with folks who have been followers, some for many years and some brand new. As a woman in long-term recovery and an author, connecting with others on any part of their journey is what I seek to complete my own.
Most of us had no idea where we were headed when we opted to change our lives in some way. For me, it was making a choice to live without alcohol and I made that choice on May 24, 1976. It’s sometimes still hard to fathom that my life was about eventually becoming who I have become in these 46 years. But I do not doubt, not even a tiny bit, that God knew what was on my radar screen. And that’s what is so exciting to this very day. God always knows and is always guiding the trip. I am just a willing passenger.
Some of you reading this may not have wandered into a 12 step room but have ended up as a follower of my journey any way and for that I am so grateful. You have made whatever trip you needed to make, regardless. And it’s my thinking that God was always present. The journey and its destination are not what’s so important. But what counts, and counts in a big way, is that we recognize the help we got along the way. And we will continue to receive that help for the entirety of our lives.
Speaking of that, at 83, I occasionally wonder how many years I have left. I do not doubt that when my work is done, whatever “work” that may be, I’ll move over for the next soul to proceed. And I don’t say that in a maudlin way. It excites me to know that we each are here fulfilling a purpose. That purpose will be completed before it’s our time to depart. I’m not actually sure what my purpose has been so I have decided to go along with the suggestion made by the Dalai Lama: “Love everyone. And if you can’t love everyone, at least don’t hurt anyone.”
Do I always refrain from hurting others? I know that I have in my past hurt some people I held dear to my heart, but making better choices now, is what feels so good, so very good.
My gosh, I just reread this and I seem to be all over the place. I guess that’s where my mind is today. Unfocused. A really good writer would delete this and start over. lol. But I want to share who I am right now. One thing I am not unfocused about though is that I do believe, and I cherish the belief, in fact, that we are in one another’s lives intentionally. As I have said on many occasions, in print and in talks, we will never meet an accidental visitor on our journey. Ponder that for a moment. Each and every person you encounter has a reason for being there. Maybe it’s because they need a smile. A loving hug. A willing ear. Or even some gentle advice. Just don’t pass anyone by thinking they do not matter. They have been sent. They have sought you out.
I begin another week of podcasts to share about my work as a writer and as a recovering woman and to celebrate, again and again, the 40th anniversary of my first book: Each Day A New Beginning. I will let you know by social media, where the podcasts can be heard/seen. And I do have another virtual/in-person event coming up on February 19th at Banyen Books in Vancouver BC. You can see now on Instagram: karencaseyauthor the details.
Well, I have run out of chatter. I do feel so very grateful that you continue to be a part of my journey. It would feel very lonely without you.
I feel great love in my heart for each one of you,