Hi friends,
I want to bring you up to speed on what’s been going on in my life since I returned from my jam-packed trip to Sarasota and Naples, FL. While in Naples I gave a talk, and held a very successful book signing for the 40th anniversary edition of my first book, and lunched and dined with an amazing group of friends throughout the week I was there. And then while in Sarasota, I got to spend quality time with my older sister. What fun we had just relaxing, watching basketball and playing cards. I miss not seeing her more often and miss all my friends in Naples too. It’s not always easy to accept the changes that are foisted on us but I have decided to believe that every change, whether I like it or not, is for my ultimate growth and opportunity to be of help to someone else.
Since Joe and I retuned to MN, about 2 years ago, much has changed for both of us but we are content, knowing we are where we need to be for this leg of our journey. And with the 40th Anniversary of Each Day a New Beginning, I have had ever so many wonderful encounters, both in person and virtually with literally hundreds of my friends and readers around the country. How blessed I feel every day of my life. And who would ever have thought that this drunk, (me), would have had all the experiences, worldwide, that have come to me. We just never know what God has in store for us. And just perhaps, the best is yet to come.
I know that many of you have had the chance to “tune in” to one or another of the podcasts and virtual experiences that have been posted on Youtube honoring Each Day, but I want to bring your attention to one more. The name of the podcast is Between the Lines and the conversation is with Jay Lind, another recovering person and what a great time we had together. I do believe many of you will have an interest in hearing it so you can tune in by following this link:
I promise to keep you updated as my life experiences new twists and turns. And I do believe that every twist and turn has been charted specifically for whatever lesson I have grown ready for.
Thanks for coming along for the journey.