Hi friends,
It’s been far too long since I have written a post here. I do post on my Facebook page pretty regularly so I hadn’t checked out the many responses here for some time. I am delighted so many of you have written. It has been quite a year we have all lived through. The quarantine and the murder of George Floyd impacted all of us I’m sure. I am still trying to find answers for why our country is so divided. I’m not sure we will ever close the divide that has developed between the “warring” sides but I am a believer in hope and prayer so I know my “work” is ongoing.
During the long months of the pandemic and the protests, I felt “called” to write another meditation book. I had written many books of late but not a meditation book. this new one will be available on amazon May 11th. You can even preorder it now. It’s titled: Each Day A Renewed Beginning: Meditations For A Peaceful Journey. It kept me feeling connected and hopeful, and peaceful throughout the writing of it and at my age, I can’t ask for more than that.
Here is a meditation from the book:
Everything that happens is for my good.
This is a very bold statement. Can it be true? Many would say no. There was a time in my past that I would have disagreed too. But the spiritual principles that have been guiding me for more than four decades have changed many of my old beliefs. Now I see from a new perspective. Now I see that there is, and always has been, a divine story unfolding in my life; a story that is perfect in every way. And it’s a story that is carrying me to the exact places I need to be, experiencing just what I need to encounter and with the “teachers” I need to learn from. The story will continue until my time is done.
Because of hindsight, we can all see that something in our past that troubled us at the time, has seeded itself into the learning curve that has been quite perfect for the person we have been and are still becoming. The same will continue to be true. Knowing this lessens the hold fear or confusion has on our lives. We are being guided. Always. We can trust this.
Whatever draws our attention today is purposeful. It’s part of the story unique to each one of us. How comforting is that.
I do hope you are feeling at peace today. thanks you for showing up on this page.