My retreat at the Dan Anderson Renewal Center:

The Journey to Peace Is a Daily Commitment 7 p.m., Friday, July 28–noon, Sunday, July 30, 2017.
This retreat focuses on the Twelve Step tools we have all come to embrace, enhanced by basic principles from A Course in Miracles. Peace is the ultimate goal of the course, and peace is what we all deserve from living the Twelve Steps.
You will understand how to attain greater peace throughout your life by the time you leave for home on Sunday. And you will have a list of new tools to use whenever you begin to falter.
Call today to plan your stay. 800-262-4882
Weekend Retreats and the Lodge Program at the Dan Anderson Renewal Center Revitalize your recovery with a retreat at the Dan Anderson Renewal Center 2017 all-inclusive weekend rates* Double-occupancy room…..$615 Private room……………………….$833 Day program (includes meals)………………….$395 *Prices are subject to change Scholarships may be available. For more information or to register, visit our website at RenewalCenter or call the Dan Anderson Renewal Center, Center City, Minnesota, at 800-262-4882.
patricia shaw
Hi Karen,
Our ACIM study group has been meeting since 1996 but have closed because of the virus. Once a week I send everyone an email. I print out one of the meditations from your book. I always say you are the author and the name of your book. We have been reading from it, I’d, 8 years. I know several students have ordered it. “each Day a New Beginning” is very special to me since I got sober in 1989. I so hope you’ve recovered from the operation on your hip.
Love & Miracles.
Patty Shaw
patricia shawHi Patty,
I have had a number of surgeries since the hip one. I have also had both knees done. LOL Getting old is hard on the body. I’m delighted to hear from you. I wrote another course book you might find helpful about 3 years ago: 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles. There are 52 essays that many Mpls groups meet weekly to discuss together. My husband and I plan to get back to Mpls this summer for a few months. Last year we stayed put here in Naples because of the pandemic. Stay well and thanks again for writing.
Marilyn Curran
Which book would you recommend for my sister, whose daughter has cancer?
My sister is not in recovery, but I LOVE ALL YOUR RECOVERY BOOKS!!
Marilyn CurranHi Marilyn,
I ams o sorry I did not see this message earlier. The meditation book, Peace a Day At a Time might be perfect. I pray for her peace and the peace of her daughter too.