Back in MN. May 23rd. Rain and more rain. . .Occasional sun.

Dear friends. How glad I am that at least some of you have weathered the storms with me these last few months. Along with being off the grid as far as my website has been concerned, I have been a bit out of sync with much that has always kept me grounded. While in Naples these last 6 months, much of my life was rich and full of meetings and great activities, with both new friends and old ones. However, I let my writing life slide. For a time. And actually I needed the reprieve so maybe my website fiasco was one of those “unexpected gifts from the God I don’t always understand but try to listen to.”
I am not yet ready to commit to my next book but I have decided, at least, that there will be one. And that’s a pleasing decision. Topic? Unknown. But the meaning of life has clearly changed for many reasons this last year. Maybe there’s a direction for book thirty in that thought. Just maybe.
Many things in my life have changed in this last year. I have grown older, of course, and I am beginning to feel it. Damn!! Turning 78 in July looms large. And my body hurts more than it ever did. More importantly, I lost a number of friends over the past few months, including my very dear oldest sister Jo Ann, about 6 weeks ago. I am still trying to factor in all these losses. Too many in too short of time. I pause daily to count my blessings, gaze at my husband Joe and dog Nellie and quietly think “Thank you God, for the gifts that still remain.”
I hope I can stay as committed to returning to this site with a weekly update as I feel at this moment. But if you wonder where I have gone, on occasion, check my Facebook page. I do post there quite regularly too.
And remember, never pass up an opportunity to offer a smile to the next person you see, hug the first dog that wags her tail in your direction and forgive what ever offense you imagine another person has committed that affected you. We each have the opportunity to make this world far better. If we take it!
Marin Shanley
Hi Karen…It is so nice to see your words again. I’m so sorry for your losses, especially that of your sister. I also lost my oldest sister nearly 2 years ago and it really unbalanced me for a time. Then I lost my beloved cat and was diagnosed with throat cancer. Talk about a bad year! Still, you are right to focus on the blessings that remain and when we look for them, they are many.
I hope that you continue to heal and that you are inspired to do what will be most enriching for you.
Love, Marin
Marin ShanleyHi Marin,
Thanks so much for your words. Simply knowing that what I write is read by someone makes me smile.